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 Experience Connection

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Connection Circles

Connection circles are supportive mini-communities that actively facilitate connection, friendship, and relationship-building around a shared experience. Connection Circles decrease isolation and build relationships by guiding members through a step-by-step process that helps participants connect quickly and easily (think of it as a friendship accelerator). Connection Circles are not group therapy. At each session your circle (of 4-6 people) is given a set of question prompts and activities that generate rich, nourishing conversations, and build connection in a fun and fulfilling way.

Connection Circles typically meet around a specific topic, identity, or experience. For example:

  • The Women Entrepreneurs Circle is for entrepreneurs, business owners, or women with a mission (to turn a big idea into reality), who crave support and community through the emotional roller coaster of putting yourself out there.

  • The Friendship Accelerator Circle is for anyone who feels lonely, isolated, or frustrated with the quality of their friendships. You may identify as an introvert, socially anxious, uncomfortable, or insecure, or maybe you’ve recently moved, or are going through a transition and are struggling to make the kinds of connections you want.

  • The Clinicians and Coaches Circle is for coaches and therapists in private practice who feel isolated seeing client after client behind closed doors (or virtually) and crave meaningful connection and community.

Connection Circles meet with the same group for an hour twice a month. Participation is $99 a month and includes the group meetings and membership in a private online community. The Circles are created and moderated by ProjectConnect Founder, Jessica Gifford, LICSW.

If you’re interested in participating, would like to request a specific group subject, or want to learn more, please get in touch and let us know!

Individual Connection Coaching

If you're lonely, disconnected, or dissatisfied with the quality of your friendships, you're not alone (the U.S. Surgeon General reports that half of Americans are lonely)! I offer a limited number of 1:1 coaching slots. This may be a good fit if you:

  • Feel lonely, disconnected, socially anxious, awkward, or uncomfortable.

  • Want to have deeper, closer, more meaningful friendships.

  • Want to increase your social intelligence, get better at connecting, and develop more social confidence and ease.

Our current culture makes it harder than ever before to make close friends ... but, it IS possible! I’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to help you develop closer, more rewarding friendships. You deserve to feel connected!

If you’re interested in a free 15-minute consult to see if we’d be a good fit, please fill out the get in touch form below. I'd love to hear from you!