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Explore Connection:

Talks & Workshops

Want a quick introduction to why connection matters and some actionable tools to build it? Consider inviting ProjectConnect Founder, Jessica Gifford, to give a fun, engaging talk or workshop.

This was AMAZING! It’s been a very long time since I have seen people in our community so engaged with a presenter and each other. Jessica presented information in such a practical and funny way. You could feel the incredible energy in the room. She brought out the best in us as a community.
Jessica Gifford speaking about building employee connection at a professional development day

Sample Talks For Workplaces

  • Creating a Culture of Connection in the Workplace

  • The secret to reducing turnover, increasing job satisfaction, and improving well-being

  • Building employee connection to improve well-being, increase job satisfaction, and reduce turnover

Are you struggling with employee disengagement, burnout, or turnover? Focusing on building employee connection is a powerful leverage point. In fact, research shows that liking and feeling connected to co-workers is the number one reason people choose to stay at their jobs AND the top predictor of job satisfaction.

This talk provides quick, concrete, easy-to-implement strategies that audience members can take back to their teams to get to know co-workers and build stronger relationships.


Sample Talks For Colleges

  • The Secret to Making Friends at College

  • The Friendship Formula: how to stop being lonely and have better relationships

  • Friends with benefits (but not the kind you’re thinking)!

Did you know that over half of college students report feeling lonely at any given time? And the idea that they should be surrounded by friends, having “the best four years of their lives” only increases the sense of isolation.

Students crave deeper, more meaningful connections, but aren’t sure how to go about creating them. This talk offers a simple, science-based “recipe” for making close friends quickly, and de-stigmatizes loneliness in the process.

Fun, inspiring, connecting, and useful!

Retreats, etc.

If you’re holding a retreat, training, or professional development day, and want to prioritize relationship-building, consider inviting Jessica to facilitate for a few hours, or a day of connection.


Prices vary based on length of time, virtual or in-person delivery, travel, and customization.